Call For Posters

2023 International Symposium on Transdisciplinary Care for Dysphagia
2023 咀嚼吞嚥困難與跨領域照護國際研討會

【徵稿說明/Abstract Announcement】



重要時程/Important Date:

  • 論文摘要投稿截止: 2023年2月28日
  • Final Deadline for the Abstract Submission Please submit your abstracts before February 28, 2023
  • 研討會報名截止: 2023年3月10日
  • All presenters must register for the conference no later than March 10, 2023. Any presenter not registered by this date is subject to removal from the program. Presenters can register Here



  • Dysphagia Care
  • Oral Health and Oral Function
  • Promoting Oral Health
  • Oral Care for Elderly Persons
  • Oral Public Health




  1. 投稿前請先於本研討會之網頁進行大會註冊
  2. 論文分組為研究組與政策/衛生教育組
  3. 論文研究組投稿內容應包含研究作者姓名、服務單位、E-mail、研究主 題、研究背景、研究目的、研究方法、研究結果及關鍵詞等。
  4. 論文政策/衛教組內容應含作者姓名、服務單位、E-mail、主題、政策/衛 生教育執行方法、成效及關鍵字等。
  5. 題目、作者資訊及摘要內容以中文或英文擇一書寫即可,通訊作者請於 名字後標記(*)號。
  6. 標題→ 英文請用 14 Times New Roman & black,中文請用14標楷體&加 粗;作者姓名、服務單位、E-mail→ 12 Times New Roman /標楷體;摘 要文字→12 Times New Roman /標楷體;段落→單行間距
  7. 整段摘要字數以500字為限,並於摘要後列出3至5個關鍵詞。
  8. 稿件請以MS Word (doc. docx.)格式來稿, 進行線上投稿。
  9. 所投稿件經受理並送審後,恕不接受發表人修正或增列作者等異動作 業。
  10. 本研討會接受發表之論文,須有一名作者報名研討會,大會將於研討會 結束後,發放論文發表證明。每一篇論文僅發放一張「論文發表證明」 並註明論文所有作者。
  11. 論文審查結果通知: 投稿經審查後即送出審查結果。

Basic Format for the Abstract

To accommodate several types of studies and case reports in the conference abstracts we have drawn up the guidelines below

  1. An abstract is a summary of a research paper’s substance including its background, purpose, methodology, results, and conclusions.
  2. Keywords must be provided no more than 5 words and should be separated with commas
  3. Please do not included figures, tables and references in the abstract.
  4. Abstract titles should not include abbreviations.
  5. Abbreviations should be kept to a minimum and defined at first use.
  6. Abstract have a one page or 500-words limit.


Title: Times New Roman, 14 points, Upper case, Centered text in bold

Body: Times New Roman, 12 points; Line spacing: 1, one column of text

Affiliations should be indicated with superscript Arabic numbers appearing at the end of surname/family name

A superscript asterisk (*) shout be used for the corresponding author

Names of affiliations should include the country


Title of Paper

First name Surname1, First name Surname2*, First name Surname1

1.Department, Faculty, University, Country,

2,Department, Institute, Country,

General Instructions

  1. Abstracts should represent the original work.
  2. Documents that do not conform to the guidelines will need to be revised.
  3. Documents received after the given deadline, regardless of reason, will not be accepted unless the deadline is extended.
  4. The abstract should be submitted in the MS Word format (.doc or .docx)

審稿方式/About the reviewing process :

本研討會稿件審稿方式採取 2 位至 3 位專家學者進行匿名審稿,於接受到稿件後 2-3 內完成審稿,審稿後即通知結果,如果審稿者要求回覆,請於 1 周內完成回覆。

  1. Your abstract will undergo a double-blind peer review by the International Symposium on Transdisciplinary Care for Dysphagia Committee within two to three weeks of its receipt.
  2. Results of the abstract review will be sent to the authors after completion.
  3. Acceptance or rejection of the paper will be sent to you with reviewer comments.
  4. If a revision is required, the revised abstract must be sent back within a week.
海報貼式時間與地點 Poster Session Date/Time:
   Friday, March 24, 10:00AM ~ Saturday, March 25 4:30PM
    Location: Hall B, KMU International Convention Center
  1. 單面,直式 A0【841 x 1189 mm】1張。
  2. 論文研究組內容建議含中文(或英文)題目、作者、服務單位、摘要、 研究目的、研究方法、預期結果與成效及參考文獻。
  3. 論文政策/衛教組內容建議含中文(或英文)主題、作者、服務單位、摘 要、政策/衛生教育執行方法、成效。
  4. 圖、表製作,請注意「解析度」是否良好清晰(印刷輸出圖檔建議設定 300dpi以上)。
  5. 海報請自行印刷於研討會當日攜帶至海報張貼地點依指定編號張貼海報。
Poster Form:
  • The maximum poster size is 90cmX120cm.
  • Use easily read type.
  • You may use figures, tables, graphs and/or photographs where suitable. Keep the text brief and to the point. All the material on the poster should be legible from a distance of about 10 to 15 feet.
  • Print a high-resolution copy of your poster to present.
Your poster should include:
  1. The paper title, all authors and the affiliations at the top of poster.
  2. A background, purpose, methodology, results, conclusions and references; presented in a clear sequence.
  3. Explanations for each graph, picture, and table.